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Finding the Best Guest Bloggers For Your Site is Easy

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Guest blogging is one of the simplest methods for driving traffic to your site–if you can find a few popular bloggers within your chosen niche. But what if you are the blog owner and creator that needs someone to guest post? When the tables have turned, it can be really hard to find a great guest blogger. Publishing regular content for your blog can be a difficult task and that is why getting a few guest posts is a great idea. So how do blog owners get these guest posts?

Don’t Make Contact Difficult – While having a dedicated page for guest blogging is fine, it is more important that guest bloggers have an easy method of contacting you. Don’t hide your contact page deep within your site or forget to put one up altogether. Lots of good blogs out there don’t have a way to easily contact the blogger. This is like closing the door for potential guest bloggers that may want to get in touch with you. If you want really great results you should have a “Contact Us” page on your site and some details in the sidebar of your blog.

Ask Former Guest Posters for Future Contributions: If you’ve had guest bloggers before and they’ve done good work for you, why not use them again? You need to cultivate and maintain relationships with guest bloggers because they are often how you will keep your blog filled with well written and high quality content. So make a list of all the bloggers that have submitted a guest post to you, so that you may notify them whenever you’re in need. Obviously not everyone would write for you again, but it just makes sense to tap into the pool of guest bloggers that already trust you. In addition to that, those guest posters will be familiar with your guidelines already so you will save some time.

Important Forums in Your Niche: The internet has hundreds of discussion boards and forums that allow people to post threads. These forums can be used to advertise the opportunity you are offering to those who may be interested in guest blogging for you. Lots of potential guest posters might see your thread and contact you. Forums usually have a lot of traffic they can be a great way to make contact with lots of fantastic guest bloggers.

In conclusion, this article should allow you to better understand some of the benefits of using guest bloggers on your blog. You’ll find plenty of guest bloggers willing to write for your blog just to help them promote their own blogs in return, but it’s up to you to weed out the right ones.

Written by admin

October 13, 2011 at 7:53 pm

Posted in Recommendations